This has been the FASTEST month of Ayla girl's life so far!! It needs to just SLOW DOWN! These are the fun facts for this month!
Height: ~26 in
Weight: 14 pounds, 8 ounces
Clothes: some 3-6, some 6, & very few 6-9
Diapers: size 2!
Sleep: Ayla girl still sleeps in her own bed in her room! She's been home with me for the majority of the past month & I haven't been working, so her sleeping schedule is a little messed up... (we like to stay up late). But she's such a trooper and adjusts pretty well to change! She has been waking up mainly around 5ish - sometimes there is the random 1 am feeding sesh, but that rarely happens! Daddy is still being a trooper too and waking up with her! Mommy has been so exhausted (and sometimes doesn't even hear Ayla) - but we just found out that my thyroid is out of whack again, so hopefully once that is corrected it will get a little easier for me!! Ayla has a tendency to fight her sleep and tends to go to sleep easiest when I put her to bed.
Diet: I still pump - so breast milk is still her main source of nutrition. She still gets some baby food as well - usually 1-2 jars a day. The only thing I can think of that she has tried new this month is green beans... which she wasn't too sure about!! She has grown to like sweet potatoes though!
Toys: she is still loving all the same toys that she loved last month... but now she has a couple of new favs! She has a little tambourine that she LOVES and will reach for constantly and she has discovered tags - so I got her a taggie that she is loving so far! She also likes this little hand held music player and her "phone"!She also LOVES a toy that is at her Grammy's house - a little v-tech sit to stand farm toy. She basically loves anything she can push buttons on and/or that makes noise! I swear I go to bed singing all the songs of her toys at night!!
Milestones/firsts: Ayla has mastered sitting up and is loving it! She can bend down while sitting and then sit herself up again, but occasionally still loses her balance and topples over.
Health: so far, so good! - mom is just a little overly cautious and took her to the doctor this month for a mosquito bite because I was convinced it was infected and she had staph... turns out it was fine, so Ayla got a $40 bandaid :/
Likes: Ayla
loves to chew on anything and EVERYTHING!! Still no teeth that I can see/feel... but surely they will make their appearance sooner than later!
Dislikes: Ayla still has the same dislikes as last month, but I think it's safe to say she doesn't like to ride in her stroller if she can't see you either... we've taken the stroller out shopping a couple of times and end up looking completely ridiculous carrying her and pushing an empty stroller!
Misc: I love the little face Ayla makes when she is concentrating! She pooches her little lips out and makes a duck face/kissy face... i just LOVE it! She is rolling EVERYWHERE... and FAST! This little girl of mine has one BIG personality and I love when she laughs! She is seriously such a happy baby and it is so much fun and so easy to get a big smile and laugh out of her! She loves when you sing to her, play pee-a-boo, and blow on her belly! Ayla girl reaches for EVERUTHING - including faces - and puts everything in her mouth! She also grabs the spoon when I feed her & attempts to feed herself - resulting in a huge mess & requiring her to eat naked most of the time. She loves to "blow bubbles" and make a tooting(?) noise with her mouth. She's talking more and more and has definitely turned into a momma's girl! Toward the very end of her 6th month she started loving tags on everything so of course I had to buy her a taggie :) Diaper changes on her changing table are slightly challenging since she is determined to roll as much as she possibly can and she has also very recently started to "throw" herself backwards. She also loves her feet and is still constantly grabbing them!! I'm still waiting for her to realize she can put them in her mouth but she hasn't quite figured that out yet!
Here are a few of my fav pics from this last month:
We got Ayla girl's ears pierced the day after her 6 month birthday!! |
Visiting our favorite doctor & nurse! |
Ayla girl loves her FEET! |
sitting up! |
Miss Independent! |
still loving her bath time! |
Father's Day 2015 |
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Father's Day photo shoot! |