I was planning on waiting until our anniversary to take a pregnancy test, but since I was having conflicting signs - some making me think I could be pregnant and others convincing me I wasn't (again) - I decided to take one a little early. I woke up on April 26th and took a test. Once again, negative. During my last cycle I decided to save all of my negative tests so that when I did get a positive, it would make all those negatives seem so insignificant. So I put the test with all the negatives and went to lay back down. I was so grumpy. I just knew that this was going to be my month, but that test just proved me wrong. I went to the park later that morning and talked to my mom. I told her that the night before Brady and I had decided to stop all testing and all medications and we were going to just let God do His thing... It had worked before so we thought it would work again. I listened to one song over and over again on my three mile jog - "Shake it Out". Some of the lyrics seemed to fit perfectly with what I was feeling in that moment - so sad but so hopeful all at the same time. After my jog, I drove to College Station to try to find a dress to wear to a wedding that night. I listened to that same song on repeat while I drove, randomly crying while singing along with it. After not finding a dress and venting to my friend about my most recent disappointment, I came home and began getting ready. I asked Brady to pick me up some beer on his way home. When he got home he got in the shower while I finished getting ready. For some reason when I was straightening my hair I decided to look at the test I had taken that morning. There it was: a faint second line. I turned it towards me and gasped, then set it back down. I took a second, trying to decide in my mind if I tell Brady or wait to announce it in a cute way. I couldn't wait. I looked at it again and said "um, Brady?" He said "what?" I said " I think I'm pregnant... seriously" and walked over to show him the test. I asked him if he saw two lines too, and he said yes!... followed by "I guess you don't need that beer anymore!" We both laughed. Apparently, I didn't wait the appropriate amount of time before reading the test and determining it was negative earlier that morning! I was shaking as I was holding the test, comparing it to the previous cycle's negatives. I was and am SO excited and can NOT wait to meet this little blessing!
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