How far along: 25 weeks!
Gender: SuRpRiSeWeight gain: 9(ish) lbs
Next Appointment: 10/2/2014
Maternity clothes: probably should be wearing them… but still squeezing into whatever I can…
Exercise: Yep! 6 days this week! :)
Stretch marks: nope… still lather up with “stretch mark cream” *almost* daily
Belly button in or out: >in<
What I miss: my frequent dr appts!
What I'm loving: baby kicks!
Movement: Baby = lots! & it still seems to prefer the right side for the most part; ME = getting harder to get out of bed, get off the floor, & I think I'm starting to waddle... already! (although my mom has informed me that I've been waddling a little for "quite some time"...)
Cravings: FUNFETTI CAKE!!! I’ve wanted it allllll week long! & donuts, pig in a blankets, & chocolate milk! Friday I saw a picture of a cheeseburger and french fries & HAD. TO. HAVE. ONE!
Queasy or sick: I had such bad indigestion Thursday afternoon that it made me just a little nauseous… but it went away fairly quickly :)
Favorite moment this week: Wednesday morning I decided to listen to baby because I didn’t remember feeling much movement, but as soon as the probe touched my belly it decided to kick it… it's the little things!
Looking forward to: my next dr appt! I can’t wait to find out if this baby has flipped or not… I’ve been trying all week to figure out if what I’m feeling are kicks, hits, or hiccups in a higher part on my belly than usual but can’t seem to… I feel so stupid but I don’t know how to tell the difference! Fingers crossed baby flipped and stays flipped for the next 10ish weeks!
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