Height: idk because I haven't measured her yet :/
Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz
Clothes: some 3 month, some 6 month, some 3-6 month (all depends on the brand!)
Diapers: still size 1... but very close to needing to go up a size!
Sleep: She is still sleeping in her own bed every night & I try to put her to sleep between 8-9. I don't swaddle her anymore because she's such a mover & roller now, but she tolerates it just fine! She usually wakes up to be fed around 3:30 or 4. Daddy has been spoiling me and waking up for these feedings every night this month! Usually by 6am she's ready to get out of bed (if daddy hasn't fallen asleep on the couch with her on his chest) so I will cuddle her for a little while then let her swing while I do my morning routine!
Diet: breast milk & baby food! Right now she is only getting baby food once/day after her evening bottle, but that will be increased really soon! She's tried squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots... Her favorite so far is carrots!Toys: Ayla girl loves anything that lights up &/or makes noises & anything she can chew! She's learning how to grasp things better and usually takes it right to her mouth!
Milestones/firsts: Ayla is a tad behind some of her peers - but she was a preemie & I tend to forget that when comparing her to other babies... but she is doing so good! She rolled from back to belly on the floor for the first time on 4/10 and from back to belly to back on 4/12 and has been movin' & groovin' ever since! She has been doing MUCH better on her tummy since learning how to roll more consistently, but still gets mad sometimes when she "forgets" how to get back on her back! She is still working on her head control, but has gotten so much stronger this month!
Health: so far, so good!
Likes: she
likes to talk, lay on her changing table & look up at her bows, and EAT! She loves to "stand" on our legs and to be up so she can look around! She is still loving bath time & I'm so curious to see how she will be this summer when we are able to take her swimming!
Dislikes: Ayla is such a happy baby & there isn't much she doesn't like... But if you are holding her and she is comfy the way she is, she does NOT want to be put down! That has turned into somewhat of a struggle this month, but I think part of that may be because of gas so it feels better to be up than to lay flat on her back...
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