Thursday, August 27, 2015

8-9 Months!

26 1/4" (7th percentile)

Weight: 15 lbs 13 oz (13th percentile)
Clothes: mostly 6 month, very few 9 month
Diapers: still size 2!
Sleep: Ayla is sleeping in her own bed and sleeps through the night... we usually put her to bed between 8-9 and she usually wakes up around 6am and takes a morning nap after she plays for a little while. She also takes an afternoon nap :)
Diet: Breast milk + baby food and baby "treats" like mum-mums and puffs. At this point the doctor told us we can go ahead and start introducing table foods and said she can eat what we eat. That totally overwhelms me because I don't eat the healthiest, but I don't want to give her some the of junk I feed myself and I don't even know where to begin with feeding her "table" foods. Luckily I have friends who have done this before and they can help me out in this department!
Toys: Ayla loves anything she can get her hands on... whether it was made to be a baby toy or not!!! 
Milestones/firsts: She has started pulling up on things, walks when someone holds her hands, can easily get from tummy to butt, she can wave - but its more like a fist salute & its not the most consistent - she is ALMOST crawling (she definitely gets where she wants to go though), and I'm pretty sure she says "hi"
Health: so far, so good!
Likes: Ayla likes to throw things and make us fetch them, she likes to stand, and loves to use mommy as her own personal jungle gym! Ayla also loves to suck on her bottom lip, which makes her look like she has basically no bottom lip so it looks really funny in pictures! 
Dislikes: We are still hating the carseat, but we've discovered that YouTube number songs tend to really help that situation when all else fails!! She is especially fond of 5 Little Speckled Frogs! She hates when you take a toy away from her and cries immediately! (She's not spoiled at all :-P)
Misc: I can not believe how fast time is flying and how much she changes every day!  She is definitely in to everything and is still such a mama's girl and I LOVE it! She rolls everywhere and changing her is really starting to become a challenge... I can't decide if its easier to change/dress her on the floor or on her changing table! BUT I think we are becoming pros at dressing her while she lays on her belly!

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