Saturday, October 25, 2014

Week 29

How far along: 29 weeks
Gender: unknown - & I don't even know what I think it is some days! [most days I'm still team boy - just not AS confidently]
Weight gain:
11.5 lbs
Next Appointment:
Last Appointment:
10/21/2014 - endocrinologist - this was my LAST check-up until after baby... which is just crazy to me! As slow as the time seems to be going - this first "last" of this pregnancy came FAST! It was another great appointment! The doctor said I've responded "perfectly" to everything and informed me of what med changes he expects to make post-delivery - but said no changes were needed at this time. I told Brady, for as many things as I feel like are "wrong" with me, it's nice to keep being told how "perfect" everything is going! He also said I've done really well with maintaining/controlling my weight gain (thanks in part to medication) but said he suspects the "bulk" of my weight gain is still to come :/ Hopefully the "bulk" of it isn't a huge amount!! He acknowledged that it was a horrible time to ask - but asked when we were thinking of trying for another baby after this one. He said he is by no means pushing me to have my babies close together, but did say that 6 mos would prob be a good amount of time to wait, because my body would be "primed & ready". Now, had he asked me this question a little earlier in my pregnancy, my answer would have been simple: as soon as it's safe for me to try again... probably 6 months. (because that is what Brady & I talked about fairly early on in this pregnancy since it took us longer than we had hoped it would to conceive this one) BUT, when I factor in the stress and fear that has accompanied me this pregnancy - especially lately - that changes my answer dramatically. This seriously has got to be the scariest thing I've done in my life so far. I don't want to miss out on half of this baby's 1st year of life because I'm too stressed with the all consuming efforts of trying to conceive again... or because I'm too scared with another pregnancy to be able to enjoy BOTH blessings. We talked about it a little, but left it sort of at a 'let's get through this pregnancy & then cross that bridge when we get there...'

10/24/2014 - ob/gyn -  Yay for another good appointment! We had another NST and it was GrEaT... baby was super active today!! My BP was a little high for me, but still normal enough for the dr not to comment on it. HR was 130s-150s & my belly is still measuring about a week ahead :) Brady wasn't able to go with me this time <since hunting season is fast approaching & he will have limited opportunities this year> so my mom went with me. She's been wanting to go with me for a while now - because she said she needed to be able to see my doctor in a different setting than the circumstances she saw him in last time, before seeing him again in the hospital - so it worked out perfectly. She did say she was a little taken back when they started hooking me up to the monitor, because last time she saw that happening the only thing she heard was the silence of not being able to find Sloan's heartbeat - so I'm glad she was able to see me being hooked up & hearing a healthy little heartbeat. When we left she said she "needed that" so it made me happy that she could be there :)

Maternity Clothes: since I only have 7 weeks to go - I'm refusing to buy "maternity" clothes at this point! Most of my maternity jeans are pretty stretched out from Sloan because of how BIG I got with her, and I can still fit in most of my loose-fitting wardrobe. I'm thinking I'll probably break out those stretched out jeans when the "bulk" of my weight gain hits though!
Exercise: still walking & jogging... some days are better than others but I think something is better than nothing! But I do feel like {for the most part} I'm in better shape now than I was at this time last year! 
Stretch marks: none that I can see yet!
Belly button in or out: half in/half out
LOTS! <but still getting interrupted pretty regularly> Tues evening I was exhausted from such a busy/rushed morning (workout, labs, appointment, driving, & work), so when I got home I took a bath then laid down for a nap at 5:30 - woke up at 7, only to fall right back asleep until 9! & the only reason I woke up at 9 was because Brady picked up my feet so he could sit on the couch with me... since our other couch was full of laundry that I hadn't gotten around to folding!! {oops} 
What I miss: eh... nothing really this week!
What I'm loving: this baby moving how I'm use to it moving again... ALL OVER THE PLACE!!
^ ^ ^ see above ^ ^ ^
a margarita (which I don't even like!) :: cookie cake :: chicken nuggets
Queasy or sick: no... BUT (warning: TMI & gross alert) some nights I wake up suddenly coughing & have the taste of vomit in my mouth... I blame it on over eating and/or indigestion... but I HATE it! 
Favorite moment this week:
my absolute favorite part of pregnancy is hands down watching this baby make my belly dance with its movements! I could literally sit and watch it for hours!!
Looking forward to:
DECEMBER 8TH! Some days just looking at my calendar and realizing how close that date actually is brings me to tears... I can not wait to get this baby here & in my arms!

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