How far along: 30 weeks
Gender: still a SuRpRiSe! (& this nosy momma can NOT wait to find out what it is!!!)
Weight gain: 11.5 lbs
Next Appointment: 11/3/2014
Maternity Clothes: not wearing them yet... not that they don't fit, but I'm still mostly in scrubs & workout clothes... & my "bigger" clothes still fit pretty comfortably
Exercise: is starting to get harder! Harder to stay motivated. Harder to get out of bed and GO! Harder to jog. Just HARDER! {I feel like I'm as slow as a turtle when I'm jogging these days!} But I'm trying to stick with it for as long as I possibly can because it really does make me feel SO much better throughout the day!
Belly button in or out: half in/half out
Sleep: yes please!!! I'm so tired in the afternoon and think "when I get home I'm taking a nap". Then I get home & can't sleep, so I think: "I'll just go to bed earlier tonight". NO! Next thing I know it's 1030, I'm laying in bed, and still can't fall asleep!! & I'm still being woken up around 3 or 4 to empty this tiny bladder of mine! Although, Tuesday morning I accidentally slept straight through my usual workout time! But I took it as a sign I needed to let my body rest... {Monday night I had 5 Braxton Hicks contractions in an hour - and one of them was very painful, with pressure, and seemed to last for a while}
...and then we went to Cotulla for opening weekend... and I slept, and slept, and SLEPT! & it felt amazing!!!
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& of course we found time for a little photo shoot to document baby's 1st {unofficial} opening weekend in Cotulla! |
What I'm loving: still can NOT get enough of these baby movements!
Movement: still feeling it all over the place at times - but it still seems to prefer the right side for the most part... while I was getting all that rest in south Texas, I'm pretty sure my baby changed positions - but I'm not sure if it got in the "right" position or not... we shall see!! My movement on the other hand is definitely slowing down! I'm starting to get to that uncomfortable stage where my lower back hurts & all I want to do is lay down!
Cravings: Blue Bell vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup! - which is perfect because I discovered this week that my belly doubles as the perfect place to set my bowl while I devour all the deliciousness!
Queasy or sick: NOPE!
Favorite moment this week: not a thing to do with this pregnancy... but my favorite part was definitely being there when Brady's cousin proposed to his girlfriend! I am so excited for them and he did such a good job with the proposal! He had friends & family dress up like "illegal immigrants" and planned for them to walk out in front of the stand while they were hunting (which isn't necessarily an uncommon occurrence) and had them hold up signs asking her to marry him... in my opinion it went perfectly and she def believed that they were illegal immigrants!! :)
Looking forward to: jumping a little ahead here - but we scheduled baby's newborn photo session this week - & I can't wait for it! It made me realize (again) just how close we actually are to having this baby here & in our arms!! <-- Speaking of having baby in our arms... I've been joking with Brady that I'm going to be so jealous of him if all goes as planned & we have a c-section because he will get to hold it first... then he reminds me that I've gotten to hold it this whole time... he wins :)
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