Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 11

We announced that we were expecting to Brady's grandparents on Father's Day - the day we turned 11 weeks! We had a doctor appt the next day and everything was once again great! The newest things we could see on the ultrasound were baby's hands, feet, and umbilical cord! Baby's heart was beating away at 171 bpm - just like at the last appt! I'm still thinking boy, but I really have NO clue! After our appointment we decided to go ahead and announce our pregnancy on facebook and instagram - something we did NOT do when I was pregnant with Sloan. My reasoning for not posting it with Sloan's pregnancy was "just in case something goes wrong, I don't want everyone to know about it"... well, that reasoning was (excuse my french) shot to shit the day she was born. It seemed like the news of our hell on earth spread like wildfire... like everyone and their mommas found out... and FAST! At that point I had no control over what any particular person decided to post on facebook, which only seemed to spread the word even faster. So this time around we knew that we had already experienced one of the worst things that can "go wrong" with a pregnancy and decided there is nothing wrong with prayer, so if sharing our news on social media generates more prayers for us and this baby, then we will take all the help we can get! We definitely believe in the power of prayer! Once we announced it we received what felt like an enormous amount of congratulations, well wishes, and PRAYERS! It was a great week! :)

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