Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 32

How far along: 32 weeks
Gender: SuRpRiSe!
Weight gain: 13 lbs --->>> I think the "bulk" of my weight gain is starting to creep up! 
Next Appointment:
Last Appointment: 11/10/2014 & 11/13/2014

11/10 - we did another NST - and it was perfect. Baby's movements have been great again and its heartrate was was 120's-150's. We had a great chat with the doctor and he reassured me that I am in fact not "crazy" (as I've called myself) and that he would rather me come in to check on everything than to let my anxiety build up. He told me that after my visit Friday, one thing he thought about was how much activity I'm still doing. I told him that I was still jogging at least 5 days a week and told him my usual pace. He told me I needed to slow down - which I did NOT want to hear! I LOVE my morning jogs and it really does make me feel SO much better throughout the day... I tried my best to convince him that it was fine for me to continue doing it and told him that I don't push myself too hard & I listen to my body, but he wasn't having it! He told me I had 2 choices: stop exercising or adjust... so I'm trying to adjust! Towards the end of the appointment he and Brady were talking about hunting and my baby started doing those "weird" rhythmic movements that initially brought on my fear last week, so I made the doctor feel them. I initially thought they were hiccups, but they were happening so low - where its feet were - which made me think it couldn't be that. When Dr. G felt it, he confirmed that it was "weird", but said it's the baby's foot - which is probably caused from the baby getting the hiccups and how the baby's body reacts to them... regardless of what the cause is, I was just glad it happened while we were there so he could know exactly what I was talking about & reassure me that it was OK!

11/13 - Before this appt we went to pre-register at the hospital... so exciting that it was already time to do that & it's just one more thing checked off the "to-do" list! :) This was another good appointment... We had another NST - which baby moved less at than usual, but it was moving like crazy before we got there so no big deal! We also had another ultrasound to check on baby and everything looked "perfect" once again :) Heart rate was 120s-low 150s. Baby is weighing in at approx 4lb 4oz and is still breech. We were able to see a little peach fuzz on its head (yay!) and could see that the cord was in front of it, and not around it. There is also still plenty of fluid! 
Maternity Clothes: I wore a couple maternity shirts this week with my scrub bottoms... some of my scrub tops are either too short or a tad tight at this point!
Exercise: trying my best to "slow down"... but boy is it hard {and boring} to force myself to slow down when I feel like I could do so much "better"... but this cold weather is definitely helping me to do that!
Stretch Marks: no new ones that I can see so far!  
Belly button in or out: half in/half out
I feel like I can't get enough! & baby is still waking me up usually twice every night to empty my bladder. This week I've also noticed more leg cramps in the middle of the night that wake me up...
What I miss: nothing that I can think of :)
What I'm loving: knowing that we are getting closer & closer!
baby is still quite the active little thing... momma's movements are continuing to get harder & slower! 
FOOD! Nothing too specific this week... but when food is in front of me, I devour it! Wednesday when the cooler weather came in all I wanted was to go home, get in my PJ's, and sip on hot chocolate... so I did :)
Queasy or sick: nope!
Favorite moment this week:
seeing our growing baby again!
Looking forward to:
holding this baby! AND finding out what Brady thinks it is... he finally admitted that he has a guess, but refuses to tell me what he thinks until we are going to the hospital for delivery! 

Friday, at one the other campuses I work at, they gave me a wonderful diaper shower! The food was delicious & I was stuffed by 10:30am! I loved everything they did for me! The food, cake, punch, and decor were all so good/cute! & the GIFTS! I was overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone :)

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