Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week 33

How far along: 33 weeks
Gender: SuRpRiSe!
Weight gain: 10 lbs 
Next Appointment:
Last Appointment: 11/17/2014 & 11/20/2014
11/17 - we did another NST and baby didn't quite react like it was suppose to (because this momma was "noncompliant" and didn't eat a snack before my appt!) so they loaded me with sugar and that did the trick :) Lesson learned... although I hate eating too much before my appts because I like to go out to eat afterwards - so eating too much ruins my appetite for a yummy dinner!! Oh well... I will def eat a little something before my next visit! Baby's heart rate was 120's-140's & my belly is still measuring a week ahead by my LMP, but right on time for my most recent due date! :

11/20 - we had another NST & I was more "compliant" this week and had a little snack right before my appt - so baby was MUCH more active & its movements were perfect & all over the place again! :) HR was 130s-160s... We also had an ultrasound and baby looks great! I didn't look too much because I'm so scared I'm going to accidentally see the gender, but doctor said everything was "excellent". Baby is still breech, fluid looks good, its still measuring on time, and is weighing in at approx 4 lbs 13 oz :) 
Then he looked at my chart... and I got in big trouble! Somehow I managed to lose 3 lbs this week and he let me know- very firmly - that he was NOT happy about that!  He told me I haven't gained enough weight this pregnancy and told me if I don't gain weight by Monday he is taking away my jogging privileges. I told him I eat like a horse and don't deprive myself. I do try to watch what I eat on a more consistent basis than I did with Sloan, but I am by no means do anything unhealthy. Then when we were talking about my upcoming appts and scheduled delivery date, he told me if I didn't gain enough weight he was pushing my delivery date back. I asked him how much I had to gain, but he wouldn't tell me. I was so upset when I left the office I just wanted to cry - I didn't - but I wanted to. We went to eat and I stuffed my face at Casa Ole (crap ole as Brady refers to it) and when we got home I ate 2 bowls of ice cream. I have no problem trying to put on more weight, but I just felt like I had done something so wrong, when I thought I was doing so good. That night I woke up around midnight feeling sick and felt like I was about to throw up - from over eating I'm sure!  The next morning I ate a chocolate donut and mini pigs in a blanket (seven to be exact) for breakfast, and again felt miserable! I'm going to try to just cut back on the exercising, but don't want to completely let myself go either when I've worked so hard to maintain <what I thought was> a healthy weight... I just don't want to have to wait any longer to get this baby here and in my arms! 
Maternity Clothes: I think I wore one shirt this week... 
Exercise: between the weather, my exhaustion, and this growing baby weighing me down... it has definitely been easier to follow my doctor's orders and slow down this week!! Thursday morning after my walk/jog I got a really bad cramp in my lower right side, but went away after a few minutes. When we went to the doctor I told him about it, and he said it was probably just round ligament pain. Thankfully, Friday morning's rain was the perfect excuse to keep me in bed and not try to do go for a little jog! Although, all I did was lay there awake stressing about whether or not I would be able to put on enough weight by Monday to make him happy!
Stretch Marks: no new ones that I can see so far!  
Belly button in or out: eh... I'd say 25% in and 75% out... but in a weird way :/
still being interrupted 1-2 times every night to empty my bladder around 1am and 4am... but I haven't had any problems getting back to sleep this week!
What I miss: nothing that I can think of :)
What I'm loving: this GROWING belly/baby!
baby's movements have been good... mine are still deteriorating... but I don't mind :)
nothing really this week... I still just eat whatever I see or want in the moment! Sunday I decided it was a good idea to have pizza for breakfast and half a carton of Blue Bell Cookies n Cream ice cream! 
Queasy or sick: nope!
Favorite moment this week:
my favorite moment this week has absolutely nothing to do with me & is still a little secret... But I got some amazing news & one of my prayers were definitely answered! :)
Looking forward to:
finding out if I packed on enough pounds over the weekend to make my doctor happy!!!

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